Professor Yoo is a brilliant scholar of Constitutional law and a good lawyer, too. This statement shows him at work as a lawyer: "I think the court was correct that abortion just isn't in the Constitution as a federal right". Of course he is correct and the left just cannot stand it.
A right to abortion is not stated in the Constitution. But the lawyer in him did not allow him to finish the argument. A right to life is clearly stated in the 5th and 14th Amendments, subject only to a right to due process. Why should that right to life not apply to the unborn child?
Professor Yoo is a brilliant scholar of Constitutional law and a good lawyer, too. This statement shows him at work as a lawyer: "I think the court was correct that abortion just isn't in the Constitution as a federal right". Of course he is correct and the left just cannot stand it.
A right to abortion is not stated in the Constitution. But the lawyer in him did not allow him to finish the argument. A right to life is clearly stated in the 5th and 14th Amendments, subject only to a right to due process. Why should that right to life not apply to the unborn child?