Mr. Nichols is quite clearly from within the Beltway thinkers who still think in terms of the post WW2 architecture that assumes the US is the hegemon who decides what the rules are and when they, if ever, will be enforced. He seems to be quite content to continue to ignore the Constitution, Article I, section 8, which delegates exclusive authority to declare war to Congress. We are a Constitutional Republic and the sooner our government returns to act like one, the better off we and the world will be.
Michael’s question frames the issue in terms of either/or and Nichols is content to answer the question, with child-like simplicity. He claims 1. The defense money is spent at home and that is a good thing that should not be terminated. Because all right-thinking people know our communities prosper when our labor is spent building weapons of mass destruction, not to mention the grotesque immorality of that view of life. 2. Well, America first means we won’t have the Navy necessary to ensure the goodies we buy will move across the oceans, and to elect Trump means only that we give up the seas to the Chinese who are not our friends. What an absurd contention. For all his fancy degrees, postings and experience, he sounds like an idiot.
America first means we will make those goodies at home and build the Navy to ensure we stay first.
Mr. Nichols is quite clearly from within the Beltway thinkers who still think in terms of the post WW2 architecture that assumes the US is the hegemon who decides what the rules are and when they, if ever, will be enforced. He seems to be quite content to continue to ignore the Constitution, Article I, section 8, which delegates exclusive authority to declare war to Congress. We are a Constitutional Republic and the sooner our government returns to act like one, the better off we and the world will be.
Michael’s question frames the issue in terms of either/or and Nichols is content to answer the question, with child-like simplicity. He claims 1. The defense money is spent at home and that is a good thing that should not be terminated. Because all right-thinking people know our communities prosper when our labor is spent building weapons of mass destruction, not to mention the grotesque immorality of that view of life. 2. Well, America first means we won’t have the Navy necessary to ensure the goodies we buy will move across the oceans, and to elect Trump means only that we give up the seas to the Chinese who are not our friends. What an absurd contention. For all his fancy degrees, postings and experience, he sounds like an idiot.
America first means we will make those goodies at home and build the Navy to ensure we stay first.